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Regression of daily maximum temperature as collected by NOAA GHCN-Daily.
More stations here. FYI with the stations USW00023293 (San Jose, CA), the downloading takes few seconds and the sampling less than 1s. If you don't want to wait, use the fake data provided and just run the sampling.
More stations here. FYI with the stations USW00023293 (San Jose, CA), the downloading takes few seconds and the sampling less than 1s. If you don't want to wait, use the fake data provided and just run the sampling.
Raw data
TMAX data
The model is a simple bayesian regression with a linear model and a normal prior (mu=0, sigma=10) on the intercept (alpha) and the slope (beta). Sigma has a a flat prior.
TMAX[DATE-DATEM] ~ Normal(alpha + beta * (DATE-DATEM), sigma)
alpha ~ Normal(0, 10)
beta ~ Normal(0, 10)
sigma ~ Uniform
DATEM is the mean of the dates in the dataset.